Reviewing process

All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by (at least) two experts and reviews will be returned to the author(s) with comments to ensure the high quality of the accepted papers. The authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.

Paper preparation instructions

Papers must be submitted through the PaperCept Conference Management System and must be formatted in accordance with the submission policy.

Authors are advised to read PaperCept’s Getting Started Manual for Authors and the ICSCS13 PDF Compliance Guidelines carefully. Only PDF files will be accepted.

Paper submission instructions

The paper submissions will be managed by PaperCept Conference Management System. When your paper is formatted according to the instructions given above and converted to PDF format, you can upload it by clicking here.

In case you are using the PaperCept Conference Management System for the first time you are required to create an account first. You can do so by clicking the "sign up for an account" link and submitting the necessary details.

All accepted papers will be integrated into IEEE-Xplore indexing system.

Important dates

Submission of draft papers and invited sessions June 03, 2013
Notification of acceptance July 13, 2013
Submission of final papers and early registration deadline July 31, 2013
Conference Aug. 26-27, 2013