Scope and Topics
The objective of the Conference is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas in research areas connecting Systems and Computer Science. High level contributions are awaited on various domains, ranging from theory over numerics to various applications.
Contributions at the crossroad of Systems and Computer Science fields will be considered with great interest. Industrial participants and junior researchers are particularly welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Networked and Hybrid Systems
- Computer Control and Robotics
- Embedded Systems Design
- Grid computing
- Large scale distributed systems
- Symbolic Computation
- Pervasive computing
- Multi-agent systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software systems
- Discrete event systems
- BioComputing
- Brain-Computer Interface
- Assistive Technology
- Intelligent control and sensor networks
- Modeling and Identification
- Signal and Image Processing
- Change detection problems
- Diagnosis and Fault tolerant control
- Process Control
- Robust Control
- Optimisation
- Energy Systems
All accepted papers will be integrated into IEEE-Xplore indexing system.
Invited Sessions: A summary statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session must be submitted by the authors through the PaperCept Conference Management System by selecting the category: “Invited session proposal”. Once your session is accepted, it will be inserted in the ICSCS 2013 website. You may then invite researchers to submit their work to your session. This will be done during the standard submission process. Already accepted invited sessions are:
- Industrial Process Control (more)
- Ambient & Health Intelligent Systems (Am&HIS) (more)
- Time delay and propagation control systems with applications (more)
Download the Call for Papers (pdf format)